Italian preposition A

Prepositions are small words used to connect the elements of a sentence. Learning how to use prepositions correctly is one of the biggest problems for foreign students.

Italian imperfect tense

In Italian we use different tenses to talk about past events; we have already studied “passato prossimo” (read the article at this link) that is one of the most common tense we use for the past. Today we learn another useful tense called “imperfetto”.

Italian irregular past participle (2)

When I talked about “passato prossimo”, I explained how to form past participle in Italian. However, many Italian verbs don't follow this grammar rule since they have an irregular past participle. Here are some of these verbs.

Italian irregular past participles (1)

In the lesson about “passato prossimo”, I have explained that Italian past participle can be formed by replacing the final endings of the infinitive (-ARE, -ERE, -IRE) with: -ATO, -UTO and -ITO. But some Italian verbs have an irregular past participle and don't follow this rule.

Italian exercise: Aggettivi dimostrativi

Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi dimostrativi (quel, quell', quello, quegli, quei, quell', quella, quelle) e lascia le risposte nei commenti.

Italian present perfect tense

Italians use different tenses to talk about past events. Today we study “passato prossimo”, one of the most common Italian past tense.

The Italian adjective “Bello”

Italian adjectives usually are placed after nouns. There are, however, some adjectives that can be placed also before nouns. One of these is the adjective “bello” (beautiful) that is regular when it follows the noun but changes its form when it precedes the noun. In this case, in fact, it behaves like the definite articles (articoli determinativi).