Italian preposition A

Prepositions are small words used to connect the elements of a sentence. Learning how to use prepositions correctly is one of the biggest problems for foreign students.

Today, I will try to explain the Italian preposition A that translates the English prepositions a, in or at.

This preposition can be used:

-  before cities or small islands
  • In inverno fa freddo a Milano. = In winter it is cold in Milan
  • Quest'estate siamo stati in vacanza a Capri. = This summer we were on vacation in Capri

-  to indicate the place where someone is or is going to
  • Ilaria abita a Venezia. = Ilaria lives in Venice
  • Domani andiamo a Parigi. = Tomorrow we are going to Paris
  • Sono a casa. = I am at home
  • Stasera vado al ristorante con i miei amici. = Tonight I am going to the restaurant with my friends

-  before an indirect object
  • Quando telefoni ai tuoi genitori? = When do you phone your parents?
  • Ho scritto una lettera a Lorenzo. = I wrote a letter to Lorenzo
  • Dai questo libro al professore. = Give this book to the professor

-  to express a specific time, before the months and some important festivities like Christmas, Easter, New Year, Carnival
  • I negozi chiudono a mezzogiorno. = Shops close at midday
  • A Natale vado a trovare i miei nonni. = At Christmas I visit my grandparents
  • Che cosa fai a Capodanno? = What are you doing on New Year's Eve?
  • A settembre comincio il corso di italiano. = In September I start the Italian course

-  before the infinitive that follows the first verb
  • Tra cinque minuti esco a comprare il giornale. = In five minutes I am going  out to buy the newspaper
  • Sono abituato a svegliarmi presto. = I am used to waking up early
  • Ho provato a fare i compiti, ma sono difficili. = I tried to do my homework, but it's difficult
  • Comincia a piovere. = It's starting to rain

-  to describe things
  • Abito in una casa a due piani. = I live in a two-story house
  • Ho comprato una camicia a fiori. = I bought a flowered shirt
  • Vorrei un risotto ai frutti di mare e una cotoletta alla milanese. = I would like a seafood risotto and a Milanese cutlet

-  to indicate the distance
  • Abito a 2 km da Milano. = I live 2 km from Milan

-  with some games
  • Vuoi giocare a carte? = Do you want to play cards?
  • Manuela gioca a tennis. = Manuela plays tennis