The Italian pronoun NE

I have already explained direct and indirect pronouns, but these are not the only pronouns in the Italian language. Today we will study the pronominal particle “NEthat we use a lot in our language and that, having several functions and meaning, it is considered by many foreign students one of the most difficult Italian pronoun.

Formal and informal in Italian

In Italy we pay a lot of attention when we talk to other people and for us it is always important to make a difference between formal and informal situation. You should know that if you talk informally to some people, they might feel offended. So in this post, I will try to explain when we need to use the second person singular TU (you) and when it's better to use the third person singular LEI”.

How to use Italian direct object pronouns with the present perfect tense

I already explained that when we form “passato prossimo” with the auxiliary verb “averethe past participle never agrees with the subject pronouns (io, tu, lui, lei, noi, voi, loro). However, if we use a direct pronoun to replace a noun, we must agree the past participle with the pronoun.