The Italian progressive form

Present continuos (presente progressivo) is used to describe an action that is happening in the moment you speak or an action that is unfolding while you speak.

To better understand the difference between the present tense and the present continuos, you can read the following examples.

  • Presente: Marco gioca a tennis una volta alla settimana. ( Marco plays tennis once a week)
  • Presente progressivo: Marco sta giocando a tennis. (Marco is playing tennis in this moment)

  • Presente: Ogni sera leggo il giornale. (I read the newspaper every evening)
  • Presente progressivo: Sto leggendo il giornale. Quando finisco, ti chiamo. (I am reading the newspaper. When I finish, I call you)

The present progressive is formed by the present tense of the verb “stare” + a tense called “gerundio”. To form the gerund we have to replace the final ending of the verb (–ARE, –ERE, –IRE) with ANDO, –ENDO and –ENDO.


  • Sto studiando. Potresti smetterla di fare rumore, per favore? (I am studying. Could you stop making noise, please?)
  • Che cosa state facendo? (What are you doing?)
  • Stiamo guardando la televisione. (We are watching television)
  • Sta perdendo il treno! (He is missing the train!)
  • I bambini stanno dormendo. (The children are sleeping)